

Required access: View commands — to view this tab and its contents; Create, edit, and delete commands — to create, edit, and delete commands.

The Commands tab of the Unit Properties dialog gives possibility to create and configure commands for the given unit. To send a command to a unit, it must be registered here.

A command can be sent both manually (from the Monitoring panel) and automatically (with the help of notifications and jobs) as well as via SMS. A command can be executed for several units at once, but in this case it should be configured in the properties of all those units and have an identical name.

To create a new command, click the New button (). Afterwards fill in the reqiored fields, and press OK. Such buttons as Properties, Copy, and Delete are used to work with the created commands, and are located at the end of the line opposite the command name. Sometimes it is convenient to create commands from existing ones — press Copy in the template command line. To view or edit the configuration of an existing command, press Properties. To delete a command, press Delete ().

Command Properties

Commands have the following properties:

Command name
The name of the command (names cannot be repeated within the same unit).

Command type
The original name of the command in the system. The list shows only the commands supported by this device. See the list of standard commands supported by gTrack.

Select the channel (the type of connection) by which the command should be sent: Auto, TCP, UDP, Virtual, SMS. If the Auto type is set, the program automatically selects a channel which is available at the moment of execution (if several are available, the priority is given according to the list of the types). The list of connection types also depends on the device type indicated on the General tab.

Note that if the channel type is TCP or UDP, the unit is required to be connected at the moment of the execution. If it is not connected, you can send a Virtualcommand. In this case, it is queued and sent over the GPRS channel when the connection is established.  The Virtual commands are not available for all the hardware types and can be added upon request.

To execute the GSM command, the device's phone number must be specified in the unit properties in the international format, and the user should have the right to send SMS.

Phone number
Phone number is required only for SMS commands. Some types of devices can support two SIM cards, so a unit can have two different phone numbers. Here you choose which of them should be used to send the command: first/second/any. The same as with the parameters and link type, the phone number selected here cannot be changed at the moment of sending the command.

Access rights
Indicate the access rights the user must have to execute this command. To select a combination of rights, press the <ctrl> key. Regardless of the rights listed here, the Execute commands checkbox is required anyway.

Some commands require additional parameters. It can be, for instance, the input/output number, report interval, etc. These parameters can be set when configuring the command, and in this case, they are applied automatically each time when the command is being executed. Thus, several commands with different parameters and link types can be created on the basis of one command type. However, it is not obligatory to set parameters when creating a command, because you can indicate them during the execution manually. To do so, mark the checkbox Without parameters. It is impossible to change parameters (as well as connection type or phone number) if they are set.

When creating the Send custom message command, it is possible to create groups and add messages into them. It allows to quickly find the required message while executing the command. To create a new group, click Add a group.

Enter the name for the group in the appeared field. Press Save. The group is added to the drop-down list of the message groups.
To add a message to the group, enter the text of the message. Then, in the drop-down list of groups choose the one it should belong to.

Press Save. The message appears in the list below. Messages and groups can be removed by pressing the button .
To save the changes, click OK. If you want to dismiss the changes, press Cancel.

For details on sending the commands, see Commands.

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