Consumption calculation

Consumption calculation

In order to calculate consumption the processed data is used (it is done on 'Data preparation' and 'Filtration' steps).

Note: Ellipsis () substitutes 'Unit properties → Fuel consumption' is option paths.

Two options and special case are toughly connected with this step:

  • Replace invalid values with math consumption;
  • Reports → Report Template Properties → Options → Exclude thefts from fuel consumption;
  • Special Case: filling/theft is sliced with one of interval frontiers.

Replace invalid values with math consumption

... → 'Fuel level sensors' block → 'Replace invalid values with math consumption'

In case of values falseness, they will be replaced by the values calculated mathematically. The mathematical calculation uses the data indicated in the properties of ignition, relative and absolute engine hours sensors (option ​'​Consumption, l/h') and the value of the engine efficiency sensor.

Algorithm: Let's say Vinit — initial volume for the interval (the way what interval is taken is defined in specified report template), Vfinal — final volume. Then difference is calculated between them with respect to fillings volume like Vinit – Vfinal + Vfill. In case of caluclated value is equal to or greater than zero the interval is marked as correct. But if the result value is negative then consumption is treated as falsy and math consumption takes place (with further whole interval falsy values replacing).

Exclude thefts from fuel consumption

Reports → Report Template Properties → Options → 'Exclude thefts from fuel consumption'

That option defines whether a theft took part in consumption while computing different indices. Keeping this option switched on is valuable when ignoring deviations because of detected thefts. Switch it off when discharge is authorized, as an example, agriculture vehicles are being filled with refueller and the user is to get fuel turnover being spent during specified period of time.

Special Case: filling/theft is sliced with one of interval frontiers. What is the way filling/theft being detected?

Let's examine the case on a filling example. Assume we've sliced the filling with the interval initial frontier. As described in how a filling is processed section a filling timestamp is defined dynamically according to the unique case. Since we've sliced the filling with interval, the second interval message becomes the initial filling message and it informs that fuel level has grown compared to the previous value (the first message is the reference used to calculate the delta (d=Vcurr - Vprev) for the second message, it cannot be calculated for the first message because of the absence of its previous one).
The filling final message remains the same.
The filling volume declines compared to unsliced filling reference (because of the initial message shifts to the right).
The filling timestamp might hold the position/shift to the right, because it is all about the case whether the message, which timestamp is regarded as unsliced filling timestamp, is taking into account during calculation the time where the filling has occurred.

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