Data preparation

Data preparation

Note: Ellipsis () substitutes 'Unit properties → Fuel consumption' is option paths.

Among important options the next list should be mentioned:

  • Option: Ignore the messages after the start of motion;
  • Special Case: Mileage-based calculation VS Time-based calculation.

Ignore the messages after the start of motion

... → 'Fuel fillings/thefts detection' block → 'Ignore the messages after the start of motion, sec'

This option allows messages being ignored after motion has started for a period of time in seconds. Messages which are frontier ones to ignored time period are joined by drawn line.

Here is whole algorithm more precisely:

  1. all starts with start motion message, it is used to define the amount of messages being ignored;
  2. this message is regarded as left-frontier message;
  3. then we add seconds set in the option to this message timestamp to get end moment of ignored time period;
  4. all FLS messages being within this time period are ignored while processing;
  5. the first message which comes after ignored period (p.3), is called right-frontier message;
  6. Both left- and right-frontier messages are joined by line being drawn (instead taking ignored messages into account while building graph).

All processed graphs have the option for such correction (except for the Regular graphs, where data is raw).

This is the graph with no ignoring:

This graph is being ignore option 10 set:

Mileage-based calculation VS Time-based calculation

... → 'Fuel fillings/thefts detection' block → 'Time-based calculation of fillings'
... → 'Fuel fillings/thefts detection' block → 'Time-based calculation of thefts'
... → 'Fuel level sensors' block → 'Time-based calculation of fuel consumption'

Convergence of data (i.e., when sum of interval results equals to whole interval result) is guaranteed when all mentioned options activated/deactivated:

  1. time-based calculation of fillings;
  2. time-based calculation of thefts;
  3. time-based calculation of fuel consumption.

While 'Time-based calculation' (all three options) switched on the x-axis is time:

  • fuel consumption/idling looks like slowly descending curve on graph;
  • thefts/fillings — quick falling of fuel level on a small period of time (theft/filling processing time).

While 'Time-based calculation' switched off (data is calculated as mileage-based) the x-axis is mileage:

  • fuel consumption in motion looks like slowly descending curve;
  • idling – because mileage is not incremented, should be seen as vertical falling of fuel level;
  • thefts/fillings on stops — because mileage is not incremented, should be seen as vertical rising of fuel level.

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