Before generating the Eco Driving report it is necessary to indicate settings on the corresponding tab of the unit properties dialog.
A table may contain the following information:
Special attention should be paid to the Rating by violations column. It can be used in the report on unit groups and driver groups
only. If the column is included in the table, then units/drivers can be
placed in the table according to the violations committed (from the
lower rating to the highest one). To do this, select the total grouping
by rating in the parameters of the report template. The violations
rating is calculated by the system on the basis of the eco driving
ranks. In case the ranks are similar, the system takes the covered
mileage into account. The higher the mileage value woith the same
rating, the lower the rating by violations is. Note that the system
supports visual marking of the rating fields according to the eco
driving rank. To do this, select the colors and the values matching them
in the corresponding block of the report template parameters.
Note that it is easier to analyse the received report, if the grouping
option was applied to the report template. The information received in
the report can be grouped on the basis of different criteria, such as
time (year, month, week, day, shift), type of violation and trips.
Moreover, in addition to grouping an option of detalization can be applied. This option allows to view the final level of nesting
(date and time) inside of grouping. However, take into consideration
that a penalty and rank can be given for a violation that occured at a
certain time interval (not immediately). That is why on the final level
of nesting (date and time) a dash is given in the Rank column, and the Penalty column receives the value indicated on the Eco Driving tab of the unit properties.
The value of penalty points for a particular criterion is indicated on the Eco driving tab of the unit properties dialog. Afterwards the indicated points are
used in the report for driving quality evaluation. The calculation of
penalty points is made using the special algorithm. The main
peculiarities are presented below.
Without grouping
With grouping
The system allows to recalculate the received penalties into a six-point evaluation system.
The following algorithm is used:
Penalty | Rank |
0 | 6.0 |
Less than 20 | 5.9 |
20-50 | 5.0 |
50-100 | 4.0 |
100-200 | 3.0 |
200-500 | 2.0 |
More than 500 | 1.0 |