

All events registered by the system (including violations) can be shown in the report on events.

There are different ways to add events to the unit history:

  1. Using notifications if themethod of delivery is Register event for unit.
  2. Manually using the events registrar.
  3. Save, reset, change the values of counters with the help of the corresponding jobs or notifications.
  4. Manually using custom events registered from the online notifications window.
  5. Automatically, upon completing a route by the unit.

To get a report on specific events, in the report template you can additionally specify a mask. Based on this mask, only those events whose text (description) corresponds to the specified parameters (for instance, the notification text) will be selected for the report generation.

The following columns can be displayed in this report:

  • Event time — the time when the event happened.
  • Time received — time when the server received the data.
  • Event text — the text that was specified when creating a notification or when registering an event manually.
  • Location — the location of the unit at the moment of the event. If the event is registered manually, the unit's location is detected on the basis of messages received upon event registration. The same is true for the events registered by storing counters' values in the unit properties.
  • Driver — the name of the driver (if identified).
  • Count — the count of events.
  • Notification text — the text available upon registering an event from an online notifications window.
  • Notes — an empty column for your custom comments.

In addition, you can use special markers for this report: a green flag stands for an event, a red flag — for a violation. In the tooltip you can find the detailed information. The markers of events and violations are enabled with the help of additional settings in the report template «Event markers».

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