

Note: Ellipsis () substitutes 'Unit properties → Fuel consumption' is option paths.

Two options are connected with filtering:

  • Option: 'Filter fuel level sensors values';
  • Option: 'Filtration level (0..255)'.

Filtration enabling and filtration level setting

... → 'Fuel level sensors' block → 'Filter fuel level sensors values';
... → 'Fuel level sensors' block → 'Filtration level (0..255)'.

To use filtration be sure to:

  1. check 'Fuel level sensors' area ('Unit properties → Fuel consumption');
  2. check 'Filter fuel level sensors values';
  3. set non-zero value for 'Filtration level (0…255)'.

It is OK to use filtration when wrong messages appeared, i.e., with unreasonably bigger/smaller values. During filtering median smoothing is used.


  • If value 0 is set in 'Filtration level' option, a user must be aware of that filtration is not disabled this way, but its minimal level is used instead (three messages being filtered, because that is the minimum input required for median smoothing).
  • Any number from 1 to 255 being set in 'Filtration level' is multiplied by 5. The result number is the amount of messages to be filtered.
  • To disable filtration completely please uncheck 'Filter fuel level sensors values' option.

There is the chart filtration disabled:

This chart is for enabled filtration 10:

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