Fuel Thefts

Fuel Thefts

In this report, you can find out when, where and how much fuel was stolen. The parameters for this report are set in Unit Properties => Fuel Consumption.

In the table, you can have the following columns:

  • Beginning — the date and time when the theft began.
  • Initial location — the unit location at the time of the beginning of theft.
  • Time — the moment of the most significant drop in the fuel level.
  • Final location — the location of the unit at the time of the end of theft.
  • Initial fuel level — fuel level before the theft.
  • Initial speed — the speed at the time of the beginning of theft.
  • Stolen — the stolen fuel volume.
  • Final fuel level — the fuel level after the theft.
  • Final speed — the speed of movement at the time of the end of theft.
  • Sensor name — the sensor that detected fuel theft.
  • Driver — the name of the driver (if identified).
  • Trailer — the name of the trailer (if one was bound).
  • Count — the number of thefts.
  • Counter — the counter sensor value.
  • Mileage — the distance traveled from the beginning of the interval to the end of the theft.
  • Notes — an empty column for your custom comments.

The intervals filtration by geofences/units, driver, trailer, and theft volume can be additionally applied to this table.

Special markers can be shown on the map in the places of thefts.

See also Fuel Fillings.

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