Geofences on Map

Geofences on Map

Created geofences can be a part of a report. They will be displayed on the map if you check the corresponding box — Render geofences — in the section 'Map' of the report template.

Geofences are displayed with their captions and images or icons (if you have chosen any). The color and the font size of the caption is taken from their properties. Apart from that, additional options can be applied to geofences:

  • Group icons.
    The geofences that overlap each other can be replaced by one conditional item, and its tooltip will contain the detailed information. The same can be applied to markers.
  • Consider geofence visibility scale.
    By default, all the geofences are rendered on the map. However, they can be seen or hidden according to their visibility parameter set in the properties.

Geofences are taken only from the same account as the report template itself.
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