Import and Export

Import and Export

The Import/Export tool is designed to easily transfer and copy different objects and their properties. The Import/Export tool is available in both gTrack interfaces — manager's and user's. To open the tool, click on the corresponding item in the User Menu of CMS Manager or the main interface.

Import/Export Subject

You can import/export:

Moreover, you can choose particular items to be imported/exported, for example, you can indicate not all but certain service intervals or sensors (for units), certain geofences and jobs (for resources), etc.

Import/Export Destination

Import and export of data can be done with the help of the files or directly from one object to another.

Exporting to a file allows you to store information on a computer and use it when necessary. For instance, you can create templates of unit properties, which makes it considerably easier to create and configure new units. Two file formats are supported:

  1. WLP is a native format for gTrack. It can be used to store and transfer different kinds of data such as unit properties, resource contents, and user settings.
  2. KML (if compressed — KMZ) is a widely known file format used to display geographic data in Google Earth and Google Maps. This format can be used in gTrack to exchange geofences between resources as well as import and export them from/to external sources.

Exporting to an object allows you to transfer data (properties or contents) straight from one object to another one of the same type or to several objects at once. For example, you can copy geofences from one resource to another.

Required Access

Access rights are important for import/export. Keep in mind two simple rules:

  1. You can export from an object only those properties or contents that are available to you (you should have at least view access to these properties in the initial object).
  2. You can import into an object only those properties or contents that are editable for you (you need the Create, edit, delete access to these properties in the destination object).

See more:

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