The text of a notification can be written in any language, contain any
characters, words and phrases, and be of any size. Large messages are
acceptable for e-mail notifications. Of course, for SMS notifications it
is better to form more compact messages.
To be more informative, a notification should contain special parameters
(tags) which are substituted with real values in an incoming
Measurement units (kilometers or miles) used to decipher parameters
depend on resource settings where the notification belongs. Date and
time format are taken from the creator of this resource.
Below is the list of parameters applicable to most types of notifications:
is the list of parameters applicable to most types of notifications: |
%UNIT% | Unit name |
%CURR_TIME% | Current date and time |
%LOCATION% | Unit location at the moment when notification triggered |
%LAST_LOCATION% | Last known unit location (may be useful if there is no position in the triggered message) |
%LOCATOR_LINK(60,T)% | Create locator link for the triggered unit (in brackets indicate lifespan in minutes, T and G parameters to show tracks and geofences) |
%ZONE_MIN% | The smallest of geofences holding unit at the moment of notification |
%ZONES_ALL% | All geofences holding unit at the moment of notification |
%SPEED% | Speed registered at the moment when notification triggered (is not applicable to fuel fillings/thefts) |
%POS_TIME% | Date and time of the triggered message or the latest message with position in case the triggered message has no position |
%MSG_TIME% | Date and time of the message triggered |
%DRIVER% | Driver's name (can be displayed only if the driver belongs to the same resource as notification) |
%TRAILER% | Trailer's name (can be displayed only if the trailer belongs to the same resource as notification) |
%SENSOR(*)% | Unit sensors and their values (indicate sensor mask in brackets) |
%ENGINE_HOURS% | Engine hours at the moment of notification |
%MILEAGE% | Mileage at the moment of notification |
%LAT% | Latitude at the moment of notification (e.g., N 55° 45.7530') |
%LON% | Longitude at the moment of notification (e.g., E 37° 35.2068') |
%LATD% | Latitude without formatting |
%LOND% | Longitude without formatting |
%GOOGLE_LINK% | Link to Google Maps with the position at the moment of notification |
%CUSTOM_FIELD(*)% | Unit custom fields. If you leave the asterisk sign in the brackets, all accessible custom fields (both regular and administrative) will be shown with their values (in the format 'key: value'). However, you can get the value of a certain field if you specify its complete name in the brackets. In this case, the resulting notification text will contain the value of the specified field (only the value but not its name). |
%ZONE% | The name of the triggered geofence (used in notifications of geofence control). In the text of notifications of the Outside geofence type in the %ZONE% parameter, the names of the geofences in which the unit was at the time of the previous message and is absent from at the current moment are displayed through a comma. If no previous positional message is found, or there are no geofences that satisfy the above condition, only the parameter (%ZONE%) is displayed in the notification text. |
%SENSOR_NAME% | Triggered sensor name (used in various notifications) |
%SENSOR_VALUE% | Triggered sensor value |
%SERVICE_NAME% | Service interval name (used in notifications about maintenance) |
%SERVICE_TERM% | Service interval state — left/expired value (used in notifications about maintenance) |
%TRIGGERED_SENSORS% | All triggered sensors and their values (used in notifications about maintenance) |
%LOSE_RESTORE% | Connection loss/Connection restored (used in notifications about connection loss) |
%PARAM_NAME% | Parameter name (used in parameter control) |
%PARAM_VALUE% | Parameter value (used in parameter control) |
%SMS_TEXT% | Text from SMS message (used in SMS control) |
%DRIVER_ID% | Driver's code (used in notifications about drivers) |
%DRIVER_NAME% | Driver's name (used in notifications about drivers) |
%TRAILER_ID% | Trailer's code (used in notifications about trailers) |
%TRAILER_NAME% | Trailer's name (used in notifications about trailers) |
%OTHER_UNIT% | Name of another unit (used in notifications about interposition of units) |
%ROUTE_NAME% | Route name (used in notifications of route control) |
%ROUTE_STATUS% | Round execution status (used in notifications of route control) |
%ROUTE_POINT% | Check point name (used in notifications of route control) |
%ROUTE_SCHEDULE% | Schedule name (used in notifications of route control) |
%ROUND_NAME% | Round name (used in notifications of route control) |
%COUNTRY% | Country |
%REGION% | Region (state, etc.) |
%CITY% | City (town, etc.) |
%STREET% | Street |
%HOUSE% | House |