

Round is a route, its schedule and assigned unit put together. Unit performs a route (that is to say visits route's check points) according predefined schedule.

Rounds can be created manually or automatically.

Manual Round Creation

To create a round manually, press Create manual round button against a needed schedule.

At the top, you can see the name of chosen route and schedule. Underneath you can see two lists. The units to be assigned are situated in the left one, the right one contains already chosen units. The left list contains not all the units available to you, but those situated in the monitoring panel work list. In case the work list is empty (when dynamic work list is used or when units have been deleted from the work list manually), the units to which you possess enough rights will be displayed. Afterwards enter round name and description, decide upon points order, expiration time, and other parameters (see Schedule for details). New parameter here is Activation time.

This is date and time to start the control. Activation time is especially important for schedules of Relative to activation type. The round then will be tracked from this time on. Activation time can be omitted — in this case we consider that the route starts when unit enters the first check point (if points order is Strict) or any check point (in other points orders).

At the end, press Create a round.

Automatic Round Creation

Automatic creation of rounds is adjusted in schedule properties — set the option Automatically create rounds for this schedule.

Besides, automatic creation of rounds can be enabled straight from the Routes panel — using the corresponding switch button before each schedule name.

Another way to create a route automatically is to use the corresponding type notification. You can create a notification with trigger action to assign a new route after the previous one is finished.

Round List

To see the list of rounds created or planned for a certain schedule of a certain route, press the button .

Choose the time period (Hour, Today, Yesterday, Week) or set your custom interval. For the intervals like 'Today' or 'Yesterday', it is convenient to slightly extend the period by some more hours (+hh:mm) if the working shift ends after midnight.

It is possible to specify the required rounds using the filter. You can observe either all rounds or the rounds of a certain status: in progress, pending, finished, estimated or aborted. When all the parameters have been set, press the 'Apply' button to display the rounds you need. Besides, in the drop-down list in the upper left corner, you can choose to display the list of rounds for one route or for all the routes simultaneously.

The table displays the following information about the rounds: their beginning time, name, state (finished, aborted, estimated, in progress, history), points order (arbitrary, strict, skipping possible), and unit(s) bound.

The information about any round can be printed. To do it, press the printer button in the 'Print' column next to the required round. The printing report consists of two tables. The first one provides the information about the round (its name, description, state, units, activation time, route name and schedule), the second — about its checkpoints (number, address, time of the arrival and, if activated in the schedule, of the departure). Press 'Print' button to print.

At the end of the row there is the delete button . It removes the rounds and, as a result, they disappear from the timeline and receive the status 'History'. However, all the information about them is stored and can be accessed through the reports.

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