The most recently built track (in any panel) becomes selected in the
Track Player automatically. However, you can switch tracks manually
choosing them in the drop down list. A track name coincides with unit's
name, and the panel where the track was built is specified in brackets
(Tracks, Reports, Messages).
Adjust appropriate playback speed using the speed
slider bar. It can vary from real time speed (1x) to acceleration by
1000 times (1000x). Regardless selected value, messages with zero speed
and no movement will be played at maximum velocity. If you change
playback speed while playing a track, new value will be applied after
you press 'Pause' and then 'Play' again.
The map can be moved manually or automatically. This setting is adjusted with the switch button . If it is disabled, the map can be moved only manually. If it is active, the map is moved automatically in the following cases:
If the device used is able to send pictures, they can be displayed, too. This option can be disabled though — use the switch button .
To start playing the track, press the 'Play' button .
At this, it transforms to the 'Pause' button, which can be used to stop
playback. If after a pause playback is started again, it continues from
the place it has been stopped the previous time. There is a similar
button in the Tracks panel, against each track on the list. When the
playback is completed the unit stays in the point of its last location,
and the button changes from 'Pause' to 'Play'. If you click this button
once again a time scale will be set to zero, and a track will be played
from the very beginning.
As messages are being played, the selected unit is moving over the map.
It can be represented by its icon or movement state signs. It is also
convenient to use rotating icons — see Unit Presentation on Map. A unit being played is easily distinguished from the real unit by the
color of its name — purple for playable units, red for real units. While
playback is performed, the real unit temporarily disappears from the
While playing, address and speed of each point are displayed above the
timeline. Below the timeline, you can track also changing values of
parameters and sensors (visible sensors only). Expand two below sections to see their full
contents. There can be a great number of parameters and sensors and you
may want to single out those you want to track during playback.
Double-click on necessary items to move them to the main section of the
player (right below the timeline). Then you can collapse sections with
all parameters and sensors.
As a track is played, all data in these sections is refreshed
dynamically according to message being played at the moment. If there
are images in messages, they popup in corresponding places, too.
Track playback can be invoked from any message. Navigate throughout the
track by clicking on any place of the timeline or track itself. Besides,
you can use the buttons:
Tracks can be also played in a special app — Track player. This application allows playing tracks of several units at once.