Any manipulations with the unit properties or its database are logged in
the system automatically. In addition, records can be added to the unit
log manually — through the
event registrar. To see the unit log or add messages to it, you should have not only the
Query reports or messages access but also
Manage log.
Any changes in the Unit Properties dialog are logged, as well as import, export, and removal of messages, assignment or reset of a driver. etc.
The log contains the following information:
Time — the date and time when the change was done.
User — name of the user who entered the record or changes.
Action — the description of the change performed. Messages can be
filtered by the text in this description.
Host — the address of the computer from which the user made the changes (if the action was performed automatically, it can be a job or notification type entry).
Delete — the button to delete records.
Unit log can also presented as a report.