

Unit is a vehicle, machine, person, animal or other moving or stationary object, which is monitored by satellite monitoring. In the gTrack system, the unit is characterized by the type of equipment (GPS or GLONASS device) and the unique identification code of the unit in the system (ID). With units, you can work both in CMS Manager and in the main gTrack interface.

To work with units in CMS Manager, open the Units tab in the navigation panel. Units configured here become available for tracking (viewing on the map, monitoring various parameters and many others).

Here you can create a new unit, view existing ones, view or edit their properties, define access rights to units, and remove units from the system. Read Standard operations for details. Besides, you can transfer units from one account into another.

Moreover, there is a possibility to create units with settings imported from WLP files. To do so, click the Create from WLP button. Choose a file, indicate the parameters, and click Next. Afterwards, a unit with the indicated parameters is created, and a properties dialog of the created unit opens.

Unit Deactivation

Deactivated units are the units that are temporarily unavailable for monitoring. Working with such units and their data is impossible until they are activated.

Deactivation of a unit may be necessary in case it is used, for instance, for a limited period of a year and does not need to be monitored the rest of the time.

This functionality is only available to top-level users and users with dealer rights when using a billing plan with charges for each unit. The maximum number of deactivated units cannot exceed 50% of the total number of units available to the top-level user.

Click the Unit deactivation button in the navigation panel to open the deactivation menu. The menu consists of two lists, above each of which the filter and dynamic search are located, allowing to quickly find the required units.

In the list of activated units, only the units to which a user has the Edit connectivity settings access right are displayed.

To move units from one list to the other, use the arrow keys between them or double-click the required unit. When the limit is reached, the transfer of units to the list on the right becomes impossible. The corresponding entry indicating the names of the units that were not deactivated appears in the log.

Press OK to save the changes. The selected units are deactivated for 90 days. However, they are not displayed in the monitoring system, and the dialogs of their properties in CMS Manager become read-only. At the end of this period, the units are automatically activated. Manually this can be done at any time (the process is similar to deactivation).

 If the limit of deactivated units is exceeded when the changes are saved (for instance, by another user), an error message is displayed in the log, and only the number that fits into the limit is deactivated.

The information about the deactivated units is displayed in the Deactivation column in the results window. The date and time of the deactivation are indicated (in red, if there are less than 7 days left) in front of the names of such units, and in the tooltip — the number of days before the automatic activation. The rows of the deactivated units are pale-colored.

 In case the corresponding service for the account is turned off, all the deactivated units in it are automatically activated.

Unit Properties Dialog

Unit properties dialog is displayed when you create, edit or copy a unit. It contains many tabs and fields that define different unit parameters and how the program interprets the data received from this unit.

The number of tabs can vary depending on your access rights (max — 11).

Use the following links to find out the details about each parameter:

Restore Properties/Export to File

The option of restoring unit properties, or exporting them to file, is available in the unit properties dialog of a created unit. The corresponding buttons are located in the bottom left corner of the dialog.

Restore Properties

 To restore unit properties, it is necessary to possess the following rights:

  • Delete item, Rename item, Manage custom fields, Edit not mentioned properties, Manage admin fields, Upload and delete files, Create, edit, and delete report templates (towards a resource);
  • Edit connectivity settings (device type, UID, phone, access password, messages filter), Create, edit, and delete sensors, Edit counters, Create, edit, and delete service intervals, Create, edit, and delete commands (towards a unit).

In the gTrack system, you can restore unit properties. Restoring properties can be useful if you accidentally edited or deleted some data contained in the unit's properties dialog on any of its tabs. It is possible to restore the properties of the unit saved in the last 30 days.

Configured properties are automatically copied on daily basis and stored on a remote server. To return to the previous configuration, it is necessary to click the corresponding button located in the left bottom corner of the dialog. The button is active only in case you possess enough rights for properties restoring. Press the button to open the calendar. All the dates that are highlighted in orange have the configuration stored. After choosing the date, the dialog of importing from WLP file opens.

Export to File
Export to WLP file can be implemented in a unit properties dialog. The corresponding button is located in its bottom left corner.

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