Other Questions
Violations Are Not Registered
I created a notification with action to register a violation. The notification triggers but the violation is not registered. Why? Possible cause is a lack of access to the unit. Required access flag is 'Manage events'. Check if the user (or rather ...
VIN check
I check the VIN for my unit, but I get the 'You have exceeded the amount of VIN lookups for this unit. Try again in a week' message. Why? Each identification number is checked. If the VIN is correct and has not been verified before, it is considered ...
Unloading DDD Files from the Driver's Card
How can I start to use tachographs and unload DDD files from a driver's card? You need a tachograph and a tracker which supports unloading DDD files. Create a driver in the monitoring interface. Attention! The value of the field 'Code' must ...
Unit Disappear from the Monitoring List
I add all available units to the Monitoring panel but with each new session (login) the list is 2-3 units short again. Apparently, the user has no right to change their settings. If the option 'Can change settings' is disabled in user properties, ...
Tracks with 'Stars' at Parkings
The reason is a slight inaccuracy in coordinates sent by the tracker. It is absolutely normal for any type of equipment. This inaccuracy is appreciable particularly at parkings. A unit stays still, however, the coordinates sent by the tracker ...
Problem Logging In Because of a Supposed Attack
I cannot log in to the system. The error is: 'Reported/suspected attack site!' To enter the system, press 'Ignore this warning' below and continue. Probably, attacks were noticed on the parent domain of your monitoring service and the parent site was ...
Notifications about Thefts
How can I get notified about fuel thefts when they happen? Perform the following steps: Create a job with the type 'Send fuel information by e-mail or SMS'. Choose 'Theft' as event type and set method(s) of delivery (е-mail and/or SMS). Select units ...
Limit SMS Messages
How can I restrict the number of SMS messages that a user can send? For example, to 5 messages per day. This limit can be set in CMS Manager. Go to the the Services tab of the 'Account Properties' dialog.
Error 'Your browser does not support cookies'
Why do I get the error 'Apparently, your browser does not support cookies. Try again later'? It is nothing critical. To login to the system, just press the Enter button once more.