Export/Import Messages
Export/Import Messages Messages can be imported and exported. It concerns only the messages of the first type, that is, data messages. Attention! The size limit for the imported file/archive is 64 MB, which, in case of the archive, is approximately ...
Unit Log
Any manipulations with the unit properties or its database are logged in the system automatically. In addition, records can be added to the unit log manually — through the event registrar. To see the unit log or add messages to it, you should have ...
Registered Events
Different types of events can be registered in the unit history automatically or manually. Automatic registration is adjusted with the help of notifications (delivery method must be Register event for unit, Register as violation or Register unit ...
Sent Commands
The commands sent to the unit by users are displayed on the Sent Commands request. There is a special button in the monitoring panel to send commands to units. The table includes: Time — the time when the command was sent to the unit. User — the ...
SMS Messages
SMS messages can be sent by a unit while executing a command, generating an alarm or in other cases, which depend on the device type. The table generated for this request consists of three columns: the time when the message was received, the text of ...
Data Messages
If you request messages with data, the table of messages will contain information about the message time, speed, coordinates, location, and available parameters. In addition, in the Statistics section you can find summary information. There you will ...
Working with Messages
Working with messages is query messages, view and filter them, and delete them. Requesting Messages from Server The request is formulated in the Messages, in the top left corner of the window. Specify the following parameters: Select a unit. The ...
The Messages panel gives access to the units database. Here you can view all messages received from units (coordinates, parameters, speed, etc.), as well as SMS messages received from them, commands sent to units and events registered in units ...