Tracks Management
You can add tracks on any unit for any time interval. The list of tracks created will be displayed in the work area at the left. To prevent tracks merging, select different colors for them. Hover the cursor over a track to get accurate information ...
Track Parameters
After you have built a track, it is impossible to change its parameters (time, unit, color, annotations). In case of error, delete the incorrect track and create a new one. Track Color There are four mutually exclusive color settings for the track: ...
Mapping a Track
To build a track in the Tracks panel, do the following: Select a unit in the dropdown list. Its contents depend on the work list in the Monitoring panel and access to the units. In case the work list is empty (when the dynamic work list is used or ...
Track is a line drawn on the map to show how a unit moved during the indicated period. A track is mapped by the points from where messages came. Each point stores the date and time when the message was received and coordinates at the point, as well ...