Calibrating a Fuel Tank

Calibrating a Fuel Tank

How to make calibration of a fuel tank?

General procedure of calibration for an analogue FLS (fuel level sensor):

  1. Empty the tank completely. Make sure the vehicle accumulator is charged and will not go flat in a couple of hours.
  2. Cut the FLS to the necessary length and install it into the tank.
  3. Enable data transmission for the necessary input (for example, Ain1). It is recommended to set a frequent data transmission (like once in 10 seconds, for example).
  4. Draw a grid for your future calibration table. There will be two columns – 'Liters' and 'Volts', and so many rows as parts you divide your tank into (+ O liters row). Write the beginning time of the operation.
  5. Divide the volume of your tank into 10-30 parts. Pour portions of fuel and each time write the current fuel level in the tank into your calibration table. Wait 2-3 minutes after each new portion. Continue till the tank is full. As a result, the first column of your table ('Liters') will be filled in.
  6. Work at the computer. Log in to gTrack and go to the Messages panel. Query messages from the unit for the calibration period.
  7. Fill in the second column of the calibration table ('Volts'). Do not forget the zero point. The dynamics of changes in voltage can be analyzed through the table of messages itself or through parameter's chart (the button to switch between the table and chart view are situated above). If there are many messages, do not forget to load next pages.
  8. On the basis of gathered data, create a sensor in unit properties on the Sensors tab. Input the data from the calibration table to the Calculation Table Wizard.
  9. Optionally, add two more points with values exceeding maximum and minimum. It makes the chart look better. For example, if your calibration table has the range from 1.2 to 4 volts, add a point 1 volt = 0 liters and the other point 5 volts = max liters.
  10. When all data is in the Calculation Table Wizard, press the button 'Generate Calculation Table'. Then go to the tab 'Calculation Chart' and press the button 'Refresh' to estimate the result of your work. If necessary, return to the wizard, edit fields, and generate new table and chat.
  11. Optionally, define minimum value (different from zero) on the Calculation Table tab (for example, 1 volt). This may help to avoid detection of false fuel filling when the accumulator is off.
  12. Save the sensor pressing OK button.
  13. Enable fuel level sensors on the Fuel Calculation tab of unit properties.

For a digital FLS, the procedure is similar but with the following peculiarities:

  1. After cutting the FLS (before calibration!), connect it to the configurator and take the readings from two points – zero and maximum. 0 is taken from the sensor hung up in the air, max is taken from fully dipped sensor. It does not mean that you need to empty and refuel the tank completely. You can simply use a stoppered segment of a sewage pipe or some other container/vessel.
  2. To save time, steps from 3 to 7 can be replaced with the following. Connect your sensor to a laptop. Input data to the calibration table with each new portion of fuel.

You can get the most accurate data if your portions do not exceed 5-10% of tank volume and smaller portions are used to calibrate the upper part of the tank.

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