

Some reports give information in the form of a chart. For instance, it can be a chart showing how a unit speed varied with time or a chart showing dependence of fuel consumption on speed, and many other kinds of charts.

To receive charts in reports you need to have corresponding equipment (sensors) properly installed and configured (except for some charts like Speed or Altitude which do not require any special sensors). How to create and configure sensors, read in the section 'Sensors'.

To add a chart to a report template, click the 'Add Chart' button in the template properties dialog.  A chart cannot be included to a report if report type is 'Unit group'.

Enter a name for a chart or live default Chart (the same for all charts).

Regular Charts

There are several types of charts. First of all, this is Regular type. Their X axis always presents time scale, and you choose data for Y axis:

  • Speed
  • Altitude
  • Engine operation
  • Voltage
  • Temperature
  • Engine revs
  • Cargo weight
  • Counter sensor
  • Custom sensors
  • Custom digital sensors
  • Absolute mileage
  • Mileage in trips
  • Instant mileage
  • Fuel level (no filtration is applied)
  • Processed fuel level (filtration is applied)
  • Fuel consumption by ImpFCS
  • Fuel consumption by AbsFCS
  • Fuel consumption by InsFCS
  • Fuel consumption by FLS
  • Fuel consumption by math
  • Fuel consumption by rates

The names of these items are editable. However, when building a curve for a sensor, it will borrow sensor name.

Select data set for the chart checking necessary items in the list. You can select two items, then the chart will contain two curves, for example, speed and engine revs. You can select even more items but note that only two variables can exist in one chart in addition to time. It means if Y axis presents speed scale at the left and temperature scale at the right, there is no place for engine revs. But if Y axis presents speed scale at the left and consumption by ImpFCS at the right, it is still possible to add consumption by AbsFLS and other methods because all they are measured in the same metrics and will use Y right scale.

In the picture below there a speed chart united with fuel level chart. To receive such a chart, it is needed to set Regular chart type and select 'Speed' and 'Fuel level' for data set.

If there are more than one curve in the chart, they are displayed in different colors. At the top of the chart you can see the names of all lines as they are indicated in the report template or sensors names. In addition, the metrics are indicated for all axes.

Fuel Level Charts

'Fuel level' chart represents 'raw' data. On the contrary, 'Processed fuel level' chart shows filtered data.

Mileage Charts

Four kinds of mileage chart can be created: absolute mileage, mileage in trips, instant mileage, and instant mileage smoothed. The first two show how mileage changed (increased) with time. Absolute mileage chart is built on the bases of all messages. That means any inaccuracy and outlying data affect the resulting chart. Mileage in trips chart considers trip detector that is chows mileage in trips only. Below you see the chart with curves: absolute mileage (blue) and mileage in trips (orange).

Instant mileage represents data in the form 'mileage from the previous message to the current one' that is the distance between two adjacent messages. This kind of chart can be useful to detect excessive mileage during connection loss, or to detect made-up additions to the mileage.

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