LBS Detector

LBS Detector

LBS Detector is a tool which helps to detect unit's location on the map using mobile network.
Note that this instrument enables to determine a location of the nearest base station only. So, the knowledge of the base station location implies the unit is nearby.

Choose the corresponding item in the instruments menu to open the 'LBS Detector'. The further actions are listed below.

Working with LBS Detector

Choose a necessary unit in the dropdown list. Its contents depend on the work list of the Monitoring panel and access to those units ('Query reports or messages'). Besides, the list contains only the units with corresponding parameters.

After the unit is chosen, a search starts automatically. Then the map is centered on the found location identified with the blue marker. Also, unit's name can be enabled/disabled below the marker by pressing the corresponding button in the bottom panel. Moreover, LBS Detector's window shows such information as time of defining the latest location and its address. To the right of this data there is a 'Refresh' button pressing which the location information will be updated.

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