Map Output

Map Output

In the 'Reports' panel, the map can be scaled and moved in the same way as everywhere else: zoom, move, apply tools, change the map source, etc. Even being in the 'Reports' panel you can still track your units. Besides, some specific map options can be applied exactly to reports.

The map with tracks can be also exported to HTML or PDF file together with report text. To include the map to the exported report, in the Export dialog check the box 'Attach map'.

In such reports as 'Trips', 'Parkings', 'Fuel fillings' and many others which contain information about unit location, this location can be easily shown on the map. To move to a place where something happened, click on a green row of the table. The map will be centered on the place and a marker will appear there. A similar feature is available in the regular charts (where the X axis displays time): when using the trace tool, you move to the requested massage on the map.

Some elements can be drawn on the map as a part of the report. They can be selected in the 'Map output' section of the report template dialog. These can be routes traveled by unit, created geofences, as well as special markers in the form of small icons which can be put in the places of events, fillings, thefts, speedings, etc.

All graphical elements are shown for the current report. If generating a new report, all tracks and markers from the previous report will be erased and replaced by new.

When switching to other panels, all graphical elements from the current online report as well as map position and zoom remain on the map. To remove them, return to the 'Reports' panel and click the 'Clear' button. Alternatively, the graphics of any panel can be hidden or displayed again. To do this, check the corresponding boxes in the horizontal menu. More...

Graphical Elements Filtration

Intervals filtration is supported for some graphical elements (markers of speedings, events, fillings, thefts, parkings, and stops, as well as trip routes) adjusted upon working with a report template. To set intervals filtration means to indicate parameters considered for displaying graphical elements on the map. Filtration parameters' values are indicated for each element individually. A set of available filtration parameters for such an element corresponds to a set used for intervals filtration in a similar-type table.

To summon filtration parameters dialog, it is necessary to click the corresponding icon () to the right of a graphical element. Note that to set filtration parameters, it is necessary to activate a corresponding graphical element's flag first.

If intervals filtration has been already set for a corresponding-type table, and such a filtration needs to be set for displaying graphical elements on the map as well, then you can facilitate a process of indicating filtration parameters by uploading those applied for the table. To do so, choose a corresponding table in the dropdown list (the dialog's first line) and click 'Upload'.

To reset indicated filtration parameters, click 'Clear'. To leave the dialog without applying changes, click Cancel. To apply chosen settings, click OK.

Filtration set for displaying graphical elements on the map also affects the corresponding markers and backgrounds chosen for charts.

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