Sensor Tracing

Sensor Tracing

This table shows sensor values at certain points in time. The table can be exported in MS Excel where you can build any custom charts based on the data provided.

The report can include all messages or take a value in a time interval (like take a value every 10 minutes). One or the other alternative is chosen when configuring report template. If tracing interval is indicated, the system will search and display sensor value from the message which is the closest to the necessary point in time.

Available columns:

  • Speed — unit's speed from the message from which the value was taken.
  • Coordinates — unit's coordinates from the message.
  • Location — unit's location at the moment of sending the message with the sensor's value.
  • Sensor — sensor name.
  • Time — the time of the message from which the value was taken.
  • Value — the value (numbers only).
  • Formatted value — the value based on the indicated units of measurement or the value of the text sensor.
  • Driver — driver's name if available.
  • Trailer — trailer's name if any was bound.
  • Notes — an empty column for custom notes.

Activate the appropriate checkbox to get a separate column for each sensor. This option is available only in reports for single units, not for unit groups. If you choose this option, the columns Values or/and Formatted value will be generated for each sensor individually. This allows exporting sensor values to MS Excel and eventually building various charts and diagrams on this basis.

If you activate the options Each sensor in separate column and Skip invalid values simultaneously, only the lines that have at least one sensor's value will be shown in the generated report. The lines without any sensor's value will not be shown. A name of a column containing formatted values is marked by a special symbol (*). Formatted value fields may contain textual information (in brackets) indicated for value intervals.

In addition, you can choose a driver/trailer and geofences/units to be controlled (see intervals filtration for details).

Invalid Values

If a received value is out of range (the bounds are indicated in sensor properties), then there will be a dash (« —– ») in the lines with the sensor's values. To exclude such rows, flag the option 'Skip invalid values' in the report template.

The cases when a sensor sends text values (as opposed to numeric) or no values at all are also considered invalid.

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