Table Parameters

Table Parameters

In the right part of the report template dialog, you can set additional parameters for the table such as:
  • grouping,
  • detalization,
  • row numbering,
  • total row,
  • time limitation.

These parameters can be applied to any kind of table.


A grouping feature is provided for the reports. It works in the following way: from the available time intervals (year, month, season, week, day of the week, day of the month, date, shift, duration), select those which you would like to use to group the table data. Grouping can be carried out either by single time interval or by several (or even by all of them). If grouping by several time intervals is selected, you should assign a hierarchy (the order of nesting) for these time intervals. For example, table data can be grouped by years, each year group can contain grouping by months (nested inside), and each month can contain grouping by dates (nested inside). Nesting is adjusted by dragging the corresponding time interval up/down in the list of groupings (the lower items are nested in the higher ones)

If grouping by such intervals as season and duration is selected, at the bottom you can find a special block where it is necessary to set values for the intervals. Let us see it in detail:

  • For season
    Enter the name of the season, for example, summer, autumn, etc. Afterwards, use the dropdown lists to specify the duration of the season. Note that the duration of the season is considered to be a time period from the first day of the month in the first dropdown list to the last day of the month in the second one. The minimum duration is 1 month. To indicate the minimum duration, select the same month in both dropdown lists. To activate the season, click the + button. The maximum number of seasons is 12.
  • For duration
    For each interval of duration, you must also enter a name (for example, interval 1), then specify the duration in seconds, minutes, hours or days (select from the dropdown list), and also activate it by clicking the + button. The maximum number of durations is 5. Using the Trips report as an example, let us look at how the usage of duration periods influences the presentation of report data. The following periods are indicated: Short — up to 15 minutes, Middle — up to 1 hour, Long — up to 3 hours. Data in the report will be presented in the following way: short trips — from the minimum trip time indicated in the trip detector up to 15 minutes, middle trips — from 15 minutes up to 1 hour, long trips — from 1 hour up to 3 hours.

Note that, depending on the report type, additional groupings can be used along with the standard ones (for example, by geofence, route, sensor, user, event, action type, violation type, trips, streets). In this case items in a group are arranged by their name.

The grouped data can be sorted by any selected parameter (column) of the table. Opposite to each interval is a dropdown list. Each list contains a number of sorting criterion (table columns included in the report). From this dropdown list select a criterion which will be applied to the (next) nested level of grouping. Moreover, to the left of the dropdown list there is an icon, clicking on which you can indicate the sorting direction (from min to max or vice versa).

Note that table data can be sorted even without grouping applied. To do this, choose the corresponding sorting parameter opposite the Total interval, and afterwards indicate the sorting direction.

Here is the example of grouping and sorting features. We create a report on trips. In this report we are interested in the maximum speed, duration, engine hours, and mileage criteria, so it is necessary to check these boxes (table columns). Moreover, we need to divide information by years, months, and dates, and also we want the dates to be sorted by the maximum speed (from max to min value).

By default, there is no grouping, so we receive a detailed report where an individual line corresponds to each criterion, and these lines are displayed in chronological order, or according to the sorting selected for the table.

However, in our case it is necessary to apply grouping. Check the Year, Month, and Date boxes. Adjust nesting (by dragging items in the list). Afterwards, choose the sorting criterion from the dropdown list and indicate the sorting direction (from max to min value). Since we would like to apply sorting for the level nested in months (dates), it is necessary to select the corresponding criterion from the dropdown list of months. Then click on the sorting direction icon in order to adjust sorting from maximum to minimum values.  Note that usually if a dash is chosen in the dropdown list, the sorting has chronological order.

The report has the following view. The table receives two additional columns, one of them shows grouping, and the other contains the buttons (+/-) using which you can expand/hide nested levels of the grouping applied. Information is grouped by years. You can either expand groupings consequently (by clicking all the pluses one by one), or go straight to the necessary nested level (by clicking the corresponding one in the header of the table). The dates in the table are sorted by the maximum speed (from maximum to minimum values).

Available time intervals and their use in reports:

  • Total — the top level of grouping (cannot be moved). If the checkbox is marked, we receive a grouping with the resulting data (the total duration of any state, the total number of registered events, etc.). This grouping contains all other nested levels (if available).
  • Year — table data is grouped by years.
  • Month — table data is grouped by months.
  • Week — table data is grouped by weeks. The week is presented in the table by its number (for example, week 26, etc.).
  • Day of the week — table data is grouped by days of the week (for example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.).
  • Day of the month — table data is grouped by days of the month (for example, 1st, 2d, etc.).
  • Date — table information is grouped by dates.
  • Shift — table data is grouped by shifts.

Note that if grouping is used, all the events beginning in the analyzed interval are included in it even if they exceed the actual duration of the interval.

One more column can be useful for tables with grouping — Total time. The purpose of this column is similar to the Duration column but a bit different. Duration shows the sum of intervals, for example, the sum of all trips detected. Total time shows time from the beginning of the first interval to the end of the last, for example, time from the beginning of the first trip on a day to the end of the last trip on the same day (so, you can know a real working shift).

Retrieve Intervals
This option can be applied only to reports with grouping by shifts. If the Retrieve intervals checkbox is not marked, the whole interval of a trip that 'crossed' the shift gets into the report. If the Retrieve intervals box is checked, the report will contain only the data from messages received inside the indicated interval.


Reports with grouping can be extended with the help of detalization. Detalization, basically, gives an opportunity of transitionto a final level of nesting (date and time). To view this level, you can either expand all the previous ones ('+' at the beginning of the line), or click the appropriate level of nesting.

The previous example with groupings is expanded due to the detalization (mark the corresponding checkbox in the table parameters). This example already includes the grouping by years, months and dates, so the option of detalization allows us to extend the level of nesting directly to the time of the event (hours, minutes, seconds).

It should be noted that, as it was already mentioned before, sorting is applied to the following level of nesting. And since the detalization is the final level of nesting, you can indicate the sorting for it as well. Sorting for detalization is indicated in the same way as for the groupings.

The detalization can be applied only to grouped tables and does not affect detailed tables. The exception is reports on groups of units, drivers, trailers and passengers, as they provide grouping by units by default.

Row Numbering

Row numeration can be added to any table type. To do this, check the Row numbering box in the advanced parameters of the table. The numeration is added to the table as its first column.

If the grouping is applied to the table, the numbering becomes multilevel. The main level is the numbering of the main rows with integer numbers. The following level is the numeration of nested rows as main row number — dot — nested row number.


The Total row can be added to any table regardless of its type, grouping or detalization applied. The total row is added as the last row in the table and contains the resulting information, such as the total duration of some state, the total number of registered events, etc.

In online reports, the total row is located at the bottom of the window, regardless of the number of pages in the table and position of the scroll bar.

Information about the location, as well as some other data, is not displayed in the Total row.

Time Limitation

Time limitations can be applied to limit data analysis by some time intervals, days of the week, days of the month or months. For example, you can select working days and working hours, or only odd numbers of the month, etc. Only specified time intervals wil be included in the report..

There are two algorithms available for time limitation. According to the first one (Cut off intervals checkbox is not marked), if any state (for example, trip) begins inside the indicated time limitation interval and ends beyond its limits, then the state will not be terminated, and its full duration will be included in the report. According to the second one (the Cut off intervals chekbox is marked), if any state (for example, trip) begins inside the limitation interval and ends beyond its limits, then the report will include only the duration of the state inside the indicated interval, and everything outside the interval will be cut off.

For example, if the period from 9:00 to 18:00 is chosen as time limitation interval, and two trips were registered, one from 7:50 to 12:00 and the second from 13:00 to 18:20, then:

  • according to the first algorithm, only the trip sthat began within the limitation interval will be entirely included in the report. That is, there will be one trip from 13:00 to 18:20 in the report.
  • according to the second algorithm, two trips within the indicated limitation interval will be included in the report (from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 18:00).

To apply the limitation equal to the whole day, insert the interval from 00:01 to 23:59.

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