The set of rights for unit groups is the same as for individual units. The access rights given to a group extend to the units that belong to it. For example, if the right to view commands is given to a user, then the user will be able to see the commands of each unit in the group.
Besides, some access rights can affect not only units in the group but the group itself. For example, if the right to change the icon is granted to theuser, then this user will be able to change both the icon of any unit in the group and the icon of the group itself. Here is the list of rights with dual action:
View item and its basic properties
Manage access to this item
Delete item
Rename item
View custom fields
Manage custom fields
View admin fields
Manage admin fields
Change icon
Query reports or messages
Manage item log
View and download files
Upload and delete files
The Edit ACL propagated items check box is the right that allows to add and remove the units to/from the group.
The rest of access rights affect only units. See Unit ACL for details.
When using groups, consider the following features and strictly follow the hierarchy of rights:
The group can only expand the access to the unit, but not narrow it down. If the user's rights to the unit and the group to which the unit belongs are different, a wider list of rights is applied.
The creator of the group must have rights to the units. Only in this case it will be possible to transfer access to these objects to other users through the group.
If an object belongs to a group, it can become available to a bigger number of users, since they have access to the group and automatically receive the access to the units that are included in it.
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