Quick Start

Quick Start

1. Login

On the login page, specify your user name and password and press Enter.

 The supported browsers are listed in the System Requirements and Optimization section.

2. Interface

You have entered the main interface of the tracking system. On the right, there is the map, on the left — the work area. Here you can work with such panels as Monitoring, Tracks, Geofences, Jobs, Notifications, etc. These panels are chosen in the Main menu above the map and work area.

In the Quick Start section, you can read about working with some of the panels. Adjust the main menu and select the panels which you want to work with, such as: Monitoring, Messages, Reports, Geofences, Notifications, Units.

You can drag the map with the left mouse button and zoom it with the mouse scroll to move to the required location (city).

3. User Settings

In order to configure the user parameters, click on the username in the right corner of the top panel and press the User settings button in the dropdown menu. Afterwards, follow the steps:

  • Indicate your time zone.
  • Select the type of transition to daylight saving time used in your region.

 Make sure to select the above-mentioned settings properly, as they can influence the accuracy of the data presented in reports, messages, tooltips, jobs, routes, and other system functions.

Indicate the City setting in the same dialog. It is necessary to ensure that the map is zoomed in on the selected city at each logon.

Preparatory work is finished. Continue to create a tracking unit.

4. Creating Unit

 Before configuring a unit, make sure the device is directed to gTrack. For more information on the server IP, port, phone number, and other characteristics, find your type of device in the list of supported devices and set the required parameters.

In the work area, open the Units panel and press the New button.

The dialog with multiple unit settings opens. Specify the name of the unit, the device type (click on the field to see the list of available devices), enter the unique ID (IMEI or serial number) and the phone number of the SIM card inserted into the device.

The Icon tab of the dialog allows to choose the image to display the unit on the map.

On the Advanced tab specify the Speed limit, km/h. This setting is used to generate reports on speedings.

At the end, click OK. The newly created unit appears in the list. Click on the unit name to locate it on the map.

It also appears in the monitoring panel.

5. Unit Check

a) Log

If all the settings are configured correctly, the data from the unit starts entering the system. Each incoming message appears in the log. To see the log, press the button in the lower right corner of the program.

Besides the messages from the tracking units, the log also registers current actions and operations such as creation and modification of geofences, notifications, unit properties, etc.

b) Unit info tip

Hover the mouse over the unit in the Monitoring panel or on the map to see the latest data in a tooltip: last message time, location (address or coordinates), speed, etc.

c) Messages panel

The most reliable way to check the unit performance is to view its messages. To switch to the Messages panel, click on the Messages tab in the main menu. Then, select the interval for which you want to receive messages, and press Execute. The results appear on the right. There you can estimate the number of the messages received during the indicated period and what kind of data they present. Besides, the map displays the track of unit movements.

6. Creating Geofences

Geofences are created in the places of interest which should get under control. To create a geofence, go to the Geofences panel and click New.

The simplest and quickest geofence type to create is the circle with specified radius. Enter the name for the geofence and select the type Circle. Then double-click on the place on the map where the geofence is supposed to be. If necessary, alter the radius and press Save.

In a similar way, create as many geofences as necessary.

 If you need a geofence of a more complex shape, choose the type Polygon or Line. However, in this case a greater number of points is required to specify the borders of the geofence.

7. Notifications

Now we can create a notification about a unit entering a geofence. Go to the Notifications panel and press the Create Notification button.

Moving through the dialog with the help of the Next button, set the following parameters for the notification:

  1. Select your unit (click the checkbox).
  2. Choose the control type (in our example we choose Geofence).
  3. Specify the check type (Inside geofence), and select necessary geofence(s) from the list below.
  4. Leave default notification text without changes.
  5. Choose the method of notification delivery, for example, Display online notification in a popup window.
  6. Enter the name for the notification.
  7. Press ОК.

When the notification triggers, it appears in the top right corner of the program.

8. Reports

To switch to the Reports, click the corresponding tab in the top panel.

First of all, to generate a report at least one report template is required. We are going to create a report template containing two tables (visits to geofences and speeding) and a chart.

To create a report template, go to the Reports panel and click New. At the top of the template properties dialog, there are the Add Table and Add Chart buttons.

Press the Add Table button and in the drop-down list select the Geofences table type. On the left, tick the columns which should be displayed in the report. On the right, choose the geofence(s). When finished, press OK. The table is added to the report.

Then add the second table — press Add Table again and select Speedings. For this table we have set the Speed limit parameter in the unit properties (Advanced tab). In the additional parameters section indicate that a speeding should last at least one minute (Min duration parameter). Press OK. The table is added to the report.

Then click Add Chart and select the required chart type (for example, mileage in trips). Note that many charts require the appropriate sensors. Press OK.

This is how the report template with two tables and one chart looks like. The report contents are displayed on the left. Name the report and save it.

To generate the report, set the parameters in the work area: select the report template, unit, reported interval, and press Execute.

The report appears on the right. On the left, there are the tabs to navigate between the report sections (tables and charts). Besides, the report can be exported to various formats, or printed (to do it, use the buttons — Export to File and Print).

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