Sent Commands

Sent Commands

The commands sent to the unit by users are displayed on the Sent Commands request. There is a special button in the monitoring panel to send commands to units. The table includes:
  • Time — the time when the command was sent to the unit.
  • User — the login name of the user who performed the command. If there is a dash in this cell, it means you have no access to this user, that is why the login name is hidden.
  • Command name — the command name as it is written in the unit properties.
  • Command type — the command type (see the list).
  • Parameters — for the commands that require additional parameters (message to the driver, input activation/deactivation, report period, custom message, etc.).
  • Execution time — the time when the command was executed. If execution failed due to billing limitations (e.g., you ran out of SMS messages), this column contains only dashes.
  • Channel — the type of connection used to transmit the command (TCP, UDP, Virtual, SMS).

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