Check Points

Check Points

Route points refer to check points indicated when creating a route. The table can include:
  • Point name — the name given to this check point while creating it.
  • Real arrival — the time when the unit entered the check point.
  • Scheduled arrival — the time when the unit was supposed to enter the check point according to the schedule.
  • Initial location — location at the time of entry.
  • Real departure — the time when the unit left the check point.
  • Scheduled departure — the time when the unit was supposed to leave the check point according to the schedule.
  • Final location — location at the time of departure.
  • ResultVisited (both entrance and exit were detected), Entrance only, Exit only, Skipped.
  • Route — the name of the route to which this check point belongs.
  • Schedule — the name of the schedule.
  • Round — the name of the round.
  • Arrival time deviation — positive value if delayed, negative value if in a hurry in regards to the arrival time set in the point properties.
  • Departure time deviation — positive value if delayed, negative value if in a hurry in regards to the departure time set in the point properties.
  • Presence duration — the time spent at the check point.
  • Presence mileage — the mileage at the check point.
  • Section duration — time spent to travel from the previous check point to the current one.
  • Section mileage — the mileage from the previous check point.
  • Count — the number of points.
  • Driver the name of the driver (if available).
  • Trailer — the name of the trailer (if it was bound).
  • Notes — an empty column for your custom comments.

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