Rounds (for unit)

Rounds (for unit)

If any routes were assigned to unit and events about routes were stored in unit history, a report based on these events can be generated:
  • Route: route name.
  • Schedule: schedule name.
  • Round: round name.
  • Beginning: round beginning time (activation time or entrance in the first check point).
  • Initial location: unit location at the beginning of the route.
  • End: round end time (entrance to the last point).
  • Final location: unit location at the end of the route.
  • Result: Finished (the route was activated successfully, and later on the entrance to the last point was detected) or Not finished (the last point was not visited).
  • Skipped points: the number of check points skipped (on this basis more detailed report can be generated — see Check Points).
  • Duration: time taken to perform the route.
  • Total time: time from the first route beginning to the last route end.
  • Mileage: distance traveled while performing the route.
  • Avg speed: average speed on the route.
  • Max speed: maximum speed on the route.
  • Count: the number of routes.
  • Driver: driver's name if available.
  • Trailer: trailer's name if any was bound.
  • Notes: an empty column for your custom comments.

How different route statuses are defined (route beginning, route end, point skipped, point visit, etc.), find here.

In addition, in report template, you can indicate masks for geofences and routes. It means you can get in a report not all routes performed by a unit within the indicated period, but only the routes which use a certain geofence or which correspond to the given mask of route name. Both filters can be used simultaneously or separately from each other.

Intervals filtration can be applied to this table: by duration, mileage, engine hours, speed range, trips, stops, parkings, sensors, driver, trailer, fuel thefts, fillings, and geofences/units.

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