Type of right | Code | Description |
View item and its basic properties | 0х1 | Allows to see the item in various lists and panels. The General tab (at least, name, creator, and resource or account) is available in the item properties dialog. However, no properties can be changed without additional rights. This is a basic right: without it, all other rights have no effect. |
View detailed item properties | 0х2 | Allows to view more item properties. It influences both units (viewing the Trip Detection and Fuel Consumption tabs) and accounts (the contents of the General tab in the account properties dialog is supplemented, and the Services and Restrictions tabs appear in this dialog; the Account tab is added in the user settings dialog. ) |
Manage access to the item | 0х4 | Allows to grant other users rights to the item. As a rule, the Access tab becomes available in the item properties where the user can set access rights to this item. Besides, the item appears on the Access tab in the dialogs of other users, where the rights can be established as well. |
Delete item | 0х8 | Allows to delete the item from the system. |
Rename item | 0х10 | Allows to rename the item. |
View custom fields | 0х20 | The Custom fields tab becomes available for viewing in the properties of an object (unit, unit group, user, resource). Moreover, the Profile tab also becomes available for viewing in the unit properties. Both View custom fields right and the next one (Manage custom fields) influence only the objects mentioned above (units, unit groups, users, resources). |
Manage custom fields | 0х40 | Allows to create, delete, and change custom fields in the unit/group/user/resource properties, as well as edit the contents of the Profiletab in the unit properties. This right is valid only together with the previous one. |
View admin fields | 0х1000 | Allows user to view custom fields with limited access (admin fields) on the Custom Fields tab of unit/group/user/resource properties. |
Manage admin fields | 0х2000 | Allows user to create, delete, and edit admin fields. |
Edit not mentioned properties | 0х80 | Allows to edit some advanced item properties. This right is applicable only to units (gives the opportunity to edit color schemes for a track/sensor on the Advanced tab, or enable the icon rotation on the Icon tab). |
Change icon | 0х100 | Allows to change the icon assigned to the item. It is valid only for units and unit groups, since other items do not have such a feature. |
Query reports or messages | 0х200 | Allows to query messages and create reports for given item. |
Edit ACLpropagated items | 0х400 | Works only on unit groups Allows to add/remove objects to/from a group. |
Manage log | 0х800 | Allows to see the log of an item which appears in the table report Log. You should have the Query messages or reports access right to see it. |
View and download files | 0х4000 | Allows to use the file server to view and download files for the chosen item. |
Upload and delete files | 0х8000 | Allows to use the file server to upload and delete files for the chosen item. |
If a user has the right to see the unit, its affiliation to the account, creator, groups, assigned driver, etc., these rights can be fully realized only if this user has at least the minimum rights to the corresponding items (account, user-creator, group, driver).
Read about other Access Control Lists: